Saturday, February 26, 2011

About a Girl

I have always wanted to tell stories. Ever since I read my first Enid Blyton book, about kids having lemonade, and tins of tongue (whatever that is!). Then went on to Jane Austen's novels and got lost in old british characters and words like "whither"..even courtroom dramas of Perry Mason and Della Street... And finally went mad after Harry Potter!

Offlate there have been many firsts in my life. I am trying everything I have ever wanted and not wanted to do. So I thought why not this too. Started writing a little.. any feedback will be welcome :-)

About a girl

This is the story of a girl, simple, yet special in her own way. Born to parents who loved her more than anyone, she grew up dreaming and not sharing her dreams with anyone. Why, you ask? She knows not herself. "I am like this only", she says to anyone who asks.

Her father was a magician, but no one knew!! (And you dare not tell anyone!) He could turn sorrow into happiness! People came from far and wide to meet him. He smiled at everyone he met and they felt their problems disappear. They would wonder how!? They would ask him. He would wink at them and say he was a doctor.

Her mother was a fairy. Calm and serene, she loved everyone and everyone loved her, be it man, woman or animal. She had a beautiful voice and could talk to birds! She loved to watch them fly. All day long she could sit and watch birds fly! They came to her and sang for her and she laughed with them. And oh so magical was her laugh!

She had a brother, a brat he was, with twinkling eyes and a wicked smile! He loved her, but never told her, a strange boy he was! He would sit on trees and talk to leaves. He had a magical voice too, even better than his mum. No one knew of it, except the little girl. He would sing for her when they were alone, and she would laugh and clap!! It was their little secret he said not to be shared with the world.

People thought there was something strange about this family, something special, but didn't know what. They would look at their house and wonder- stop, stare and listen. Sounds of laughter and joy, and was that some music they heard? They would move closer, to take a peek. But all seemed normal. They would shake their heads and walk away. Smiling, wondering what it was about these people!! Up, above, beyond the clouds, God heard these thoughts and smiled. "These poor souls don't know", he thought "that this is a magical family".

Wherever they went, this magical family, they spread love and laughter. "The clowns" some called them fondly, but never did they mind. They went around, being the clowns, and their faces always without frowns! They had many adventures, but that's a story for another day. Because this is the story of the little girl, simple yet special, who grew up dreaming and not sharing her dreams with anyone. Her name, you ask? Sadly no one remembers!


satwik said...

Hmm.. well.. did you know that 'about a girl' is a song from Nirvana!!

Unknown said...

Nicely written!

Swati Sapna said...

i like the way this story is going... its a bit of a modern fairy tale, yet has an old-world simplicity and charm. you must read salman Rushdie's haroun and the sea of stories. its written in a similar vein and i'm sure you will love it!

Shruti said...

Hey! Good new beginning =)
Have you really hit "Restore Factory Settings" or just staring at it?
I feel "About A Girl" was not really about a girl. But the last line gave a good introduction to a story which would actually be about that girl.
So, keep writing ....=)

Dasbehn said...

@satwik- How is that a comment on my story?
@others- Thanks..!

Anonymous said...

Very well written and interesting. It sounds like a serial film koi mil gaya...krisshh or Ekta kapoor serial (of course with our drama)definitely more realistic which continues with the little girl's stories in every writing.Will look forward to hear more of the little girl.....

Maia said...

Mitu, this is really good. Poignant, yet whimsical and not too heavy.
Gaur badabapa was saying this winter how there aren't enough childrens' stories coming out of India. I don't know how you'd feel about sharing this more widely, but if you're comfortable with it, maybe you'd consider sending it to him?